We Advance Augmented Reality
to Advance Humanity

Help the XR community advance Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology in order to further human progress
Our Mission:
We nurture and catalyze the global transformation of the industry by
AR.ORG unites hundreds of companies, and thousands of entrepreneurs, engineers and designers – committed to advancing Augmented Reality – an emerging technology that digitizes interaction with the physical world.
Members tap into valuable members-only resources: major discounts to industry events, networking opportunities with industry leaders, up-to-date educational programs and technical training, unparalleled market research, exposure in extensive promotional programs, and representation in the voice of the industry.
AR.ORG also owns and produces Augmented World Expo (AWE) – the world’s largest international event for augmented reality, wearable computing, gesture devices, and the Internet of Things. All profits from AWE are reinvested into AR.ORG’s industry services.
Augmented World Expo
Augmented World Expo (AWE) is the world’s largest conference and expo for professionals focused on making the world more interactive - featuring technologies such as Augmented Reality, Wearable Computing, Smart Glasses, Gesture and Sensors devices, and The Internet of Things.
The AWE events span 3 continents and monthly meetups across 10 cities worldwide.
AWE features hundreds of companies leading the charge in augmented and virtual reality, wearable tech and AI. 7,000 tech professionals are expected to join the rich agenda with, 200+ AWE-inspiring talks in 8 tracks. AWE is about giving superpowers to the people and making them better at anything they do in work and life.
“The Consumer Electronics Show of the Future. The increasingly Near Future.”
- USA Today
In the early days, augmented reality promised to change the way we interact with the world in every single field, a force to accelerate progress; a technology that would digitize interaction with the real world and would enable people to master skills effortlessly, increase situational awareness with a ‘digital sixth sense’, and have more fun – away from the screen. Augmented reality meant augmented humanity.
But in these early days, augmented reality was missing a few things: a platform to reach people, solutions designed to solve real problems, and public awareness to its potential.
Our Story
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Benefits of Membership
Join AugmentedReality.org to help advance the Augmented Reality industry.
Members tap into valuable members-only resources: major discounts to industry events, networking opportunities with industry leaders, up-to-date educational programs and technical training, unparalleled market research, exposure in extensive promotional programs, and representation in the voice of the industry.
Join us. We need your support.
Become an institutional supporter, an individual member, an event affiliate,
or submit your AR startup to our accelerator.
Contact Us
40600 ANN ARBOR RD. E. SUITE 201
Plymouth, MI 48170
1 (571) 293-2013